Shadow Payroll Assist

Shadow Payroll Assist

KPMG's shadow payroll solution automates compliance with Australian employment tax and Single Touch Payroll obligations for employees paid overseas.

KPMG can help automate the payroll reporting required for employees paid from overseas.

Employers of foreign nationals working temporarily in Australia often continue to pay them from their home country payroll, or split payrolls.

Under such arrangements, employers need to consider how to manage their Australian tax and reporting obligations.

Shadow payroll solution

Our shadow payroll solution automates the Australian payroll reporting required for employees paid from overseas payrolls.

Sourcing data direct from the foreign payroll, it:

  • performs PAYG gross ups that are specific to the employee’s facts and circumstances, applying ATO approved methodology to ensure the correct tax is paid
  • minimises the time required of in-house teams
  • reduces the risk of error
  • provides flexible reporting to support foreign country tax obligations, and cost projections
  • delivers configurable and tailored reporting to employees.

Key features

  • PAYG gross up methodology that can accommodate tax equalisation policies and ensures tax is not overpaid
  • Fully automated calculation of PAYG, Superannuation Guarantee, Payroll Tax and FBT for all scenarios
  • Single Touch Payroll compliant
  • Flexible and configurable reporting.

Read the Shadow Payroll Assist factsheet (PDF 218KB)

If you would like to discuss further or for a demonstration, contact one of our specialists.

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