Net zero, purpose at pace.

Decarbonisation is the defining challenge of our time with every sector under pressure to achieve net zero before 2050.

You’ve made the commitment to reduce emissions and now employees, investors, regulators and customers are waiting for you to act.

It’s time to scale up and move forward – with purpose at pace.

Maybe you’re wondering where to start, or how to get unstuck. Where should you focus? What technology, capital and capabilities do you need? Most importantly, how do you bring everyone on the journey?

The cost of delay:

A refugee crisis – up to 200 million people displaced by 2050.

$1.19 trillion by 2050 – is the estimated cost to Australia if the Paris Accord target is not met.

1 in 25 houses will be uninsurable – climate change is expected to reduce the value of the Australian property market by around $600 billion.

* Data from the Climate Council and The University of Melbourne.


    Start by understanding industry benchmarks, your level of decarbonisation maturity, and your baseline and profile across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

    Climate risk

    • Readiness reviews and gap analysis (for example, TCFD)
    • GHG inventory/carbon footprints
    • Maturity assessments and industry benchmarking
    • Emissions, operational and business forecasts
    • Supply chain mapping

    Set and commit

    Now it’s time to consider the most effective strategy for decarbonisation. Assess climate risks and determine how you’ll measure and report on progress.

    Set and commit

    • Net zero, climate change, ESG targets and strategies
    • Scenario analysis and scenario planning workshops
    • Climate risks and opportunities integration
    • Risk management and ESG/sustainability frameworks
    • Energy procurement strategies
    • Infrastructure and asset transition roadmaps
    • Reporting and assurance

    Act and deliver

    Move quickly from commitment to action towards organisational transformation. What new business and operating models will you use to ensure a just transition?

    Climate risk

    • Decarbonisation business and operating models
    • Skills and capabilities transition
    • Just transition and social impact of decarbonisation
    • Climate finance
    • Procurement, transaction and hedging advisory
    • Renewable energy and power purchase agreements (PPAs)
    • Transformation program delivery and delivery confidence

    Net zero refocused

Explore our latest thinking on emission reduction

Why it’s time to focus on the journey, not just the destination. Download our report to learn more. 

Climate risk

We help you identify, assess, respond to and disclose climate change risks or opportunities. We can work together to develop climate metrics and reporting, develop decarbonisation strategy, conduct physical and transition risk assessments, and integrate governance and capability building.

Find out more by reading about our Climate Change & Sustainability and Climate Risk Services.

Energy transition

We can help you develop a strategy to replace traditional power sources and implement renewable energy sources.

Our innovative and integrated portfolio of services can achieve effective results for government organisations, developers, generators and the wider investment community.

We offer services in the following areas:

  • Energy policy & programs
  • Regulatory strategy
  • Commercial advisory
  • Hydrogen project advisory
  • Energy procurement
  • Commercial transactions
  • Decommissioning strategy
  • Implementation and asset management

Read more about our services in Energy and Power & Utilities.

Carbon markets

We can help you navigate the carbon market and the primary carbon mechanisms of:

  • Carbon taxes – a tax levied on carbon emissions.
  • Emissions trading schemes – these put a cap on the carbon emitted by business and create a market and price for carbon allowances.
  • Crediting mechanisms – these utilise carbon credits which are intended to reduce carbon emissions and which can be traded.
  • Internal carbon pricing – a value that companies voluntarily set for themselves, in order to internalise the economic cost of their greenhouse gas emissions.

Workforce transition

Let us help you navigate changes to organisational design, change management, talent management, HR function and workforce optimisation.

We create opportunities to design new and better strategies, develop new products, expand into new markets, rethink business models and transform the performance of organisations.

Climate policy

We provide guidance and up-to-date information on climate-related regulations, policies and incentives, as well as insight into upcoming regulations at both a national and supranational level.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

We support your decarbonisation efforts through your renewable energy strategy and procurement.

Let us help you unravel the complexity of PPA opportunities, providing end-to-end advisory services from strategy to full implementation and delivering innovative solutions.

Natural capital and biodiversity

Whether government, financial services or corporate – we can help you integrate nature as an opportunity into policy, strategy, governance, investment, risk management and decarbonisation decision-making – unlocking positive transformational opportunities.

Human rights and social impact

We recognise that climate change is a global issue affecting all people, communities and organisations.

Though KPMG Human Rights & Social – Banarra, we work with organisations to drive a successful energy transition - one that is inclusive and equitable, engaging all stakeholders and minimising harm to people.

    South Australian Hydrogen Exports

KPMG partnered with the South Australia Department for Energy and Mining on their world-leading Hydrogen Export Study, Modelling Tool and Prospectus. The landmark study aimed to encourage investment in the industry by providing information that potential investors, customers and infrastructure developers need to make decisions about developing clean hydrogen export projects in the state.

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KPMG's Decarbonisation team