Modern Slavery Risk Advisory

Modern Slavery Risk Advisory

Manage modern slavery risk with a practical, commercial and human rights-based approach. KPMG's Human Rights & Social Impact team can advise.

Manage modern slavery risk with a practical, commercial and human rights-based approach.

Corporate human rights reporting in Australia has changed. Boards are now responsible for public statements about their entities’ efforts to manage the risk of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. Australia has passed Commonwealth legislation which requires entities with an annual revenue of $100 million to publicly report on how they are managing the risk of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. NSW has also introduced legislation for companies with revenue above $50 million.

If you’re a large entity carrying on business in Australia there is a good chance you’ll need to report. The more complex your business operations and supply chain the more important it is to get ready now. Each entity is unique. Your modern slavery related risks will depend on your sector, geographical reach and the work you’ve already done to assess and address your human rights impacts. The actions you take in the coming months may be the foundation of your first public modern slavery statement.

KPMG’s Human Rights & Social Impact team is Australia’s largest specialist business and human rights service with deep experience working with clients to understand and address modern slavery risk. Our clients often take a phased approach to diagnosing their current level of readiness and moving towards implementation of prioritised actions.


How we can help?

Our specialists can work with you to:

  • identify your material human rights risks, particularly modern slavery related rights
  • diagnose the current gaps in your management systems and practices
  • design practical and prioritised action plans
  • deliver board level, executive and function specific capacity building
  • progressively build policies, systems and processes to address your key gaps with a view to continuous improvement.

We also offer services for your intersecting responsible sourcing, social licence, legal and labour risks. On this page you will find resources our specialist human rights and social impact team have developed to help you to understand the risks and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW).


KPMG & Australian Human Rights Commission Modern Slavery Sector Guides

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