Organisations are under increasing pressure from their key stakeholders to act as responsible environmental custodians, while enhancing value creation.

Drivers include regulatory requirements, resource scarcity and consumption, climate change impacts, global environmental degradation, population growth and rising costs to business.

Stakeholders are also calling for increased transparency on measuring and reporting material on environmental issues and associated mitigation measures.

The benefits of responsible environment management are vast. It can enhance a company’s reputation, minimise risk and liability, and reduce cost.

How KPMG can help

KPMG supports clients in meeting their environmental objectives to enhance business and stakeholder value and minimise risk.

Our diverse team of environmental professionals have a broad range of skills, deep industry experience and are well versed in national and global good practice trends as well regulatory requirements.

We work with clients across a broad range of sectors including:

  • Mining
  • Oil and gas
  • Energy
  • Government
  • Transport
  • Agriculture
  • Built environment
  • Manufacturing
  • Financial services
  • Food and beverage
  • Retail
  • Marine

Services we offer

KPMG Environment services include:

Mine closureIncluding closure planning and cost estimates and the integration of social issues into mine closure.

Environmental audits and technical reviewsIncluding compliance with legislation, corporate environmental policies/guidelines/standards and systems. We also conduct subject matter specialist technical reviews (including ISO:14001) , audits and climate change resilience and adaptation audits.

Climate changeResilience and adaptation risk assessments.

Greenhouse gas emissionsMeasurement, reporting, compliance and assurance including carbon, energy, NGER, NCOS and science based target setting.

Water managementIncluding strategic management plans, water accounting and auditing.

Natural resource managementRisk assessments including natural capital evaluation, water exposure and biodiversity impacts.

Supply chain managementIncluding ethical sourcing and environmental risks, such as water and carbon.

Environmental strategy developmentRisk assessments, policy, guideline development and business integration reports.

Environmental due diligence and compliance

Environmental impactAssessments and management plans (EIA/EMP).

Contaminated land assessments

Expert witness capability

KPMG's Environment services and insights

KPMG provides a range of insights and thought leadership related to the environment.

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