Push the limits of possible
    in a resilient digital world

Cyber resilience is not just about managing cyber threats as they evolve. Resilient organisations lean on a strong cyber culture to foster trust, innovation and a competitive edge.

KPMGs innovative approach to cyber security is reinforced by our delivery. Even in the face of changing threats, KPMG can support your business with our deep cyber security capabilities and solutions, round the clock monitoring and technical expertise. All of this is underpinned by our extraordinary people who understand, and are passionate about, protecting and building your business.  Enquire now about KPMG solutions, capability, and services  >

*ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report (November 2022) - Australian Signals Directorate

How KPMG can help: cyber security solutions

A man stands in a digitally enhanced office space


    You believe bold growth shouldn't be a security risk.

A woman wearing glasses with coloured light reflections

    Active Cyber

    You respond to threats at speed and scale.

A group of diverse employees in a modern office


    You're cyber-resilient from the inside out.

Digitally rendered and textured image of a city


    You know that digital trust matters most.

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Watch: AISA Melbourne CyberCon 2022

    CyberCon 2022

    Meet our team and hear some thoughts around the state of the cyber industry with our peek into the 2022 Melbourne based cyber conference.

Meet KPMG's Cyber Security team

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    KPMG works with established entrepreneurs, family business, private clients, not-for-profit,
    mid-market and fast-growing organisations to build success.

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Cyber security insights

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Frequently asked questions

How can I create a cyber security culture in my organisation?

Creating a cyber security culture involves instilling a shared responsibility for cyber security among all employees. It includes providing cyber security training and awareness programs, promoting best practices for handling data and devices, implementing strong password policies, conducting regular security assessments, fostering a culture of reporting and addressing security incidents promptly.

Why is creating a cyber security culture important?

Creating a cyber security culture is crucial because it helps establish a proactive approach to security within your organisation. It raises awareness about potential threats, reduces the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, enhances the protection of sensitive information, and minimises the financial and reputational damages associated with security incidents.

How does cyber security build trust?

Cyber security builds trust by demonstrating a commitment to protecting customer data and sensitive information. Implementing robust security measures such as encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, assures customers their personal and financial details are safeguarded. By prioritising cyber security, you’re signaling to your customers that their privacy and security are paramount – fostering trust in your organisation.

Can increased cyber security build customer trust?

Absolutely. Strengthening your cyber security measures and actively communicating your commitment to security can significantly build customer trust. Customers are increasingly concerned about the safety of their data and want to engage with organisations that prioritise cyber security. By investing in robust security practices, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and inspire confidence in your customers.

When should I increase my cyber security measures?

It’s advisable to continually assess and update your cyber security measures to adapt to evolving threats. However, there are some key milestones that warrant an increase in cyber security measures including: significant technological changes or upgrades, expansion into new markets, handling sensitive customer information, regulatory compliance requirements, and after any security incident or breach.

How often should I upgrade my cyber security software?

The frequency of upgrading your cyber security software depends on several factors, including the type of software, the level of threat activity, and the recommendations from the software vendor.

Generally, it is recommended to keep your software up-to-date with the latest patches and updates. This can involve regular monthly or quarterly updates, but critical security updates should be applied immediately to mitigate vulnerabilities.

How do I increase my cyber security measures?

Increasing your cyber security measures involves a multi-faceted approach.

Some key steps include:

  • implementing strong access controls, such as multi-factor authentication
  • regularly updating and patching software and operating systems
  • conducting regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
  • educating employees through cyber security training and awareness programs
  • implementing a robust incident response plan and regularly testing it
  • deploying firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software
  • encrypting sensitive data both at rest and in transit
  • monitoring networks and systems for any suspicious activity
  • partnering with KPMG and their cyber security consultancy to assess and enhance your security posture.

Remember, cyber security is an ongoing process and staying vigilant is essential to mitigate risks effectively.