For government, the need to develop sound, economically viable policies and programs is paramount. To do this, they must first define their role in engaging and supporting the Australian community, and how to best achieve the desired impact.

Likewise, non-government agencies and businesses that work with government to deliver services to the community need to determine how to best use their resources to achieve their stated goals.

At KPMG, our Policy Programs & Evaluation (PP&E) team works with clients to support them in achieving these outcomes.

Our dedicated PP&E group understands the unique needs of the public sector today. We have worked closely with all levels of government for many years, and our people have a deep understanding of the environment, culture, policies and machinery of government.

Through our extensive national and global networks, we also have access to resources to help government explore new, international perspectives. We also have a national team with extensive experience working with Indigenous communities and organisations.

How KPMG can help

Our sector focus includes:



Disability services

Family, children & community services

Education & employment

Justice & security

Transport & infrastructure

Defence & national security

Central government

Public sector programs

Programs reviews, collaboration and support.

We work with agencies around the structure and design of programs, considering the most appropriate operating model, risks, stakeholders, financial management and performance measurement and reporting.

Program reviews will often incorporate assessments of efficiency and effectiveness, alignment and strategy, as well as compliance and performance of programs. 

Economic planning and infrastructure policy

Economic advisory services to assist in making complex decisions, such as:

  • Assessment of the economic implications of a program or policy on a range of impacted stakeholders.
  • Cost/benefit analysis, quantifying the net economic benefit or cost of a new investment or policy change.
  • Analysis of demand, supply, price, cost, regulations and the impact of changes to these factors on industry output. 
  • Provision of strategy, project development and evaluation services to planners and policy leaders in urban and regional planning, transport, resources and infrastructure sectors.
  • Forecasting trends in price, demand, supply and costs using sophisticated statistical techniques. We can also forecast the impact of a change in preferences to alternative products, and estimate willingness to pay for new goods and services.

Public sector assurance services

We provide assurance, risk & governance advisory services to predominantly federal public sector clients. We help with:

  • Internal audit – reviewing government agency functions to assess compliance with government practice/rules or performance improvement of a business function.
  • External (financial statement) audit.
  • Compliance reviews – reviewing compliance policies, procedures and programs across financial, contractual and operational agreements, including performance frameworks.
  • Program assurance – reviewing grant programs to assess agency compliance and performance with funding agreement/agreed approach.
  • Quality assurance – reviewing and developing quality assurance frameworks.
  • Risk management – reviewing risk tools and assessment frameworks for government functions, programs and projects and their risks, including those developed and deployed by agencies. 

Regulatory strategy

We assist clients to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks from regulatory requirements imposed on their Australian and global supply chains. We help with:

  • Policy and regulatory analysis, trend/insight analysis of the policy and political environment, scenario-planning and risk mitigation strategy.
  • Mobilising global capability to synthesize the environmental policy landscape across international markets.
  • Tools and methodologies to deliver global and market level analysis to describe the near-, medium- and long-term direction of travel of ESG policy and legislation to support organisations anticipate, rather than react, to the signals of change.
  • Compilation of evidence-based support leveraging quantitative and qualitative research, data analysis, and economic modelling tools.
  • International trade policy and market access analysis and strategy.
  • Indirect tax policy, both in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Policy & Programs services and insights

KPMG provides a range of services and thought leadership related to Policy, Programs & Evaluation.

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