

We collect, analyse and interpret population and other data to help organisations align products, services and workforces with demographic trends.

We help organisations align products, services and workforces with demographic trends.

Decisions made by businesses and governments require some understanding of demographic principles and trends. These can relate to workforce profiles as much as they can to consumer behaviour and the allocation of resources.

Where will skilled talent be sourced in the future? What are the ascendant behavioural trends that are shaping consumer demand? Where should services be located to best meet the needs of the population?

These issues can impact matters of market growth, business efficiency, risk, population wellbeing, and sustainability for organisations and departments.

Why demographics is important

Demographic factors shape the behaviours of communities, customers and workforces. Demographics deals with demand drivers and the consumer side of managing a business, organisation or Government departments, with the objective of achieving the best possible outcome for all involved.

Our Demographics team comprises dedicated experts who have harnessed the power of demography to help deliver real and tangible value to our clients.

At KPMG we use demographic data and evidence-based insights to better inform decision making. We help clients be in the right place at the right time, with the right product or service, by focusing on common issues around growth, productivity, sustainability, access and risk.

What clients want

Clients in the private sector generally want to raise the profile of a development site, or a product, business or issue. They want to establish facts on consumer spending, worker behaviour or trends such as the shifting share-of-wallet. Clients in the government sector often seek answers to questions such as how to allocate services and resources sustainably and equitably.

Sometimes clients want a broad market assessment of the outlook for their sector, city or area of activity. Other times they require a deep dive into the demographic drivers of specific areas. For example:

  • How big is the market?
  • Where is it growing most rapidly?
  • Who and where are our competitors?
  • Where will household formation be greatest across Australia over the next 5 years?

These are all legitimate questions from a board, a management team or the head of a government department that require demographic advice.

How we can help

To obtain the most useful insights for your challenge, KPMG’s dedicated demographic experts analyse official population data in conjunction with client data. Our team use GIS mapping software, conduct catchment area analyses, and explore extracts from Census data using cross tabulations of demographic and geographic variables. We draw on internal subject matter experts for deep analysis and insights.

What we deliver

We work with our clients to deliver knowledge and insights via data visualisation tools, thought leadership and infographics. We share comprehensive narratives around data through technical reports and presentations unique to KPMG.

KPMG demographics works across all industries throughout all parts of Australia.

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