The path to becoming a world-class hydrogen supplier

The Hydrogen Export Study, Modelling Tool and Prospectus Project was a key part of South Australia’s plan to become a world-class supplier of green hydrogen.

The project produced three outputs: a pre-feasibility study identifying favourable locations for hydrogen export hubs; an online modelling tool for investors; and a report promoting findings of the study.

It aimed to encourage investment in the industry by providing information that potential investors, customers, and infrastructure developers need to make decisions about developing clean hydrogen export projects in the state.

Client: South Australia Department of Energy & Mining Project: Hydrogen Export Study, Modelling Tool and Prospectus Location: South Australia Sector: Energy Services: Project management | Stakeholder engagement | Feasibility study | Techno-economic modelling

What was needed

  • Develop a consolidated view of South Australia’s hydrogen export potential
  • Identify top locations for SA Government support
  • Demonstrate South Australia's potential to a wide range of investors

What we did

KPMG conducted a large-scale stakeholder engagement program and analysis for the pre-feasibility study, which examined locations for hydrogen production and export, volume of supply, the needs of potential hydrogen supply chain infrastructure, and costs. Working with our partner WSP, we engaged with more than 60 different organisations, including select Japanese consortia, and analysed several thousand scenarios to identify the most favourable potential supply chain configurations.
Study findings fed into an investor-focused prospectus, as well as a user-friendly Online Modelling Tool that was designed to help potential investors identify investment opportunities and appropriate development scenarios. KPMG has continued to support the State in sharing and discussing the approach and outcomes, including conducting further analysis of global production price data and potential cost reduction pathways.

What we delivered

  • Identification of the 3-4 most favourable supply chain locations for the SA Government to focus on. 
  • Development of an innovative, data-rich Online Modelling Tool that invites potential investors to explore SA opportunities.
  • Creation of an investor-focused prospectus that promotes the findings of the study.

Our work helped the SA Government understand the state’s hydrogen export opportunities and attract private sector investment.

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