The dashboards which accompany the General Insurance Industry Review report contain a range of interactive charts and graphs presenting the key industry performance metrics for the past 5 years.

Our product level dashboard has been updated using APRA data as at 30 June 2023. Our institutional dashboard uses data as at 30 June 2023.

The interactive dashboards allow you to view the data at various levels. The Institution Level Dashboard also enables you to compare an individual insurer’s metrics with another insurer, and to all insurers operating in the same market segment.

All data has been sourced from the APRA General Insurance publications. Further information on methodology is provided within each Dashboard.

Summarises key performance statistics by Institution (updated December 2023)

Summarises key performance statistics by Product Class (updated September 2023)

Product Level Dashboard commentary

The following key high-level observations cover the product level dashboard update:

Gross Written Premium (GWP)

  • In the year to 30 June 2023, Gross Written Premium (GWP) for general insurers1 has increased by 12.2%. There have been increases in GWP across all major lines of business, except for Professional Indemnity, primarily driven by increases in average premiums.
  • Average premiums for the year to 30 June 2023 have increased by 10-18% for property classes including Domestic and Commercial Motor, Houseowners and Householders’ insurance, and Fire and ISR. Over the same period, average premiums for Public and Product liability have increased by 14.5%, whilst average premiums for CTP and Professional Indemnity have remained relatively flat.
  • For the year to 30 June 2023, Commercial Motor and CTP have seen growth of 5.5% and 5.6% respectively in the number of risks written.
  • Other lines of business include the Travel insurance product, which has seen a return of gross written premiums to pre-COVID levels. This is attributed to increased travel over this period, and a greater cost for travel insurance than prior to COVID-19.

Underwriting Profitability

  • In the year to 30 June 2023, Underwriting Profitability for general insurers1 was $5.70 billion, compared to the underwriting result of $6.08 billion in the previous 12 months.
  • The main drivers behind Underwriting Profitability movements from the 2022 financial year to the 2023 financial year are:
    • Fire and ISR, which includes commercial property, has had an increase in underwriting result from $911 million in the 2022 financial year to $2,051 million in the 2023 financial year. This increase in underwriting profit has primarily been due the release of reserves for Business Interruption by insurers following recent court decisions on policy wordings for pandemic exclusions and also as a result of premium increases.
    • Severe weather-related events have impacted the results of both the 2022 and 2023 years. These events include the May 2023 Newcastle hailstorm, Central West NSW floods in November 2022; Victoria, NSW and Tasmania floods in October 2022; NSW floods in July 2022; and Queensland and NSW floods from February to April 2022.
    • Increases in net incurred claims for the March 2023 quarter to $9.17 billion, which had increased by 20.4% compared to the December 2022 quarter ($7.62 billion) and increased by 36.5% compared to the March 2022 quarter ($6.72 billion).
    • Releases in reserves for CTP in the 2022 financial year as Scheme changes in NSW reached a more mature state and claims experience had further developed. Underwriting profit for CTP has decreased from $752 million in the previous 12 months to $363 million in the 12 months to 30 June 2023.
    • Employers’ liability has seen a decrease in underwriting profitability from $489 million in the 2022 financial year to $236 million in the 2023 financial year.
    • Professional Indemnity has seen a decrease in underwriting profitability from $762 million in the 2022 financial year to $538 million in the 2023 financial year due to an increase in incurred claims.
    • Decrease in underwriting profitability for Domestic Motor from $593 million in the 2022 financial year to $393 million in the 2023 financial year, as the benefits of lower claim frequency during COVID lockdowns unwound and has since reverted to pre-COVID levels, and the impact of continued high rates of claims inflation in FY23.
    • Homeowners and Householders’ insurance have had underwriting losses over the 2022 and 2023 financial years of $199 million and $206 million respectively. These underwriting losses reflect the increased levels of weather-related claims that have been experienced.
  • In the June 2023 quarter, underwriting profit was $2.63 billion. This is compared to an underwriting loss of $77 million in the March 2023 quarter and underwriting profit of $2.25 billion in the June 2022 quarter.
  1. Includes all general insurers (direct and indirect).

Further reading

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