Appointment details

Appointment type Voluntary Administration Receivers and Managers Deed of Company Arrangement
Appointment date 20 October 2021
Appointees Martin Jones and Matthew Woods 
Companies subject to Administration

Australia Salt Lake Potash Pty Ltd ACN 164 369 420 (ASLP)

Piper Preston Pty LtdACN 142 962 409 (PP)

  • Voluntary Administration: 20 October 2021 to 29 September 2022
  • Deed of Company Arrangement: 30 September 2022 to current
  • Receiver and Managers: 20 October 2021 to current

Salt Lake Potash Limited ACN 117 085 748 (SO4)

Irve Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 633 114 619

Two Lake Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 633 114 637

SO4 Fertiliser Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 633 114 628

Irve Developments Pty Ltd ACN 634 354 215

Two Lake Developments Pty Ltd ACN 634 354 233

SO4 Fertiliser Developments Pty Ltd ACN 634 354 224

  • Voluntary Administration: 20 October 2021 to current
  • Receiver and Managers: 20 October 2021 to current
Office Perth
Lighthouse at sunset

KPMG contact

Jacob P: +61 8 9263 7178 F: +61 8 9263 7129

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Background information

Martin Jones, Hayden White and Tom Birch were appointed as Administrators of Salt Lake Potash Limited and its Related Entities on 20 October 2021 pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Tom Birch resigned as an administrator on 31 January 2022.

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Second meeting of creditors

The second meetings of creditors for the Companies was held at the offices of KPMG, L8, 235 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000, as outlined below:

Piper Preston Pty Ltd and Australian Salt Lake Potash Pty Ltd creditor meetings held on Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 10:30am. Creditors resolved that PP and ASLP should enter into the proposed Deed of Company Arrangement.

Salt Lake Potash Limited and the remaining subsidiaries creditor meetings held on Friday, 30 September 2022 at 10:30am. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting pursuant to Section 75-140(1) of the Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) 2016 for a period of up to 45 business days (being up to 2 December 2022) pursuant to Section 75-140(3) of the Rules. The Adjournment allows:

  • further time for interested parties (including the Directors) to formulate and put forward a DOCA proposal to creditors and to allow the Administrators further time to progress the potential restructure of the Companies; and
  • allows the Administrators to report back to creditors with sufficient information to accurately determine whether entering into a DOCA (if one is proposed) provides a better return to creditors as compared to an immediate winding-up of each of the Companies’, less ASLP and PP.
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First meeting of creditors

1 November 2021

The First Meeting of Creditors of the Companies was held on 1 November 2021, at which the Administrators appointment was confirmed. Creditors resolved at the First Meeting of Creditors to appoint a Committee of Inspection for each of SO4 and PP. COI’s were not formed for the other seven (7) entities.

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Creditor communications

Information and circulars for creditors.

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Shareholder communications

Information and circulars for shareholders.

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Court documents

Court directions proceedings and documentation relating to this matter.

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Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)

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ASIC insolvency material

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission provides resources on insolvency for directors, practitioners, employees, creditors and investors.

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Coping with the emotional impact of financial distress.

Beyond Blue

beyondblue offers some useful resources for people struggling with the emotional impact of financial distress.

The beyondblue Support Service provides confidential, one-on-one counselling with a trained mental health professional.Phone: 1300 22 4636


Lifeline offers phone crisis counselling for people who are experiencing financial and emotional hardship.

Phone: 13 11 14 Australia-wideOnline crisis support chat (7:00pm to 4:00am daily)

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