'Our Impact Plan 2023' – KPMG Australia

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Our Purpose and Values guide everything we do

Reinforced our speak up culture & introduced an ethical decision making framework

Increased transparency: people & partner remuneration data + Partnership Agreement made public

Engaged Grant Thornton to conduct independent assurance readiness for selected people metrics

Creating a caring, inclusive, purpose-led and values-driven culture

Gender balance in partnership increased, with 35% women in partnership (from 33.4% last year)

Cultural diversity in partnership increased by3.1%(to 14.5%)

Reduced our employee gender pay gap to 9.9% (down from 11.4% in 2022)

Supporting our firm's, our clients' and Australia's transition to net zero

Launched our new Climate Action Plan 2023-2030

Committed to supporting our clients' and Australia's transition to net zero

Expanded the KPMG Nature Positive Challenge to the South Pacific

Making a positive social and economic impact

Economic contribution:$2.553bn revenue, 10,173 people employed, $815m tax paid

Invested in technology & innovation with AI the standout

Societal impact:Estimated value of our community investment contribution: $12.9M

Our impact report covers the activities of KPMG Australia, KPMG Papua New Guinea (PNG) and KPMG Fiji for the financial year to 30 June 2023, unless otherwise stated. It should be read in conjunction with KPMG International's Our Impact Plan (PDF 2.90MB) , published in April 2023.

Chairman and CEO's message

This year has been unlike any other with our profession under the spotlight in unprecedented ways, heightening community awareness and expectations on integrity, confidentiality and trust.

With this in mind, we present KPMG Australia's third 'Our Impact Plan' - with voluntary disclosures on progress against 21 public commitments we've made on governance, people, planet and prosperity. These disclosures are made against best practice frameworks using the WEF IBC Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics and with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. In addition, we are sharing our progress against our long-standing commitment to the UN Global Compact Principles and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most relevant to us.

We've matured our reporting, including introducing a scorecard to allow the opportunity to simply compare our year-on-year performance against these commitments. We've increased our transparency, including publishing data on our partners' remuneration for the first time; and explaining more on our culture program.

The report covers the activities of KPMG Australia, KPMG PNG and KPMG Fiji for the financial year to 30 June 2023.

Please continue reading here.

Martin Sheppard
National Chairman
Andrew Yates


Our material topics and commitments

This year, we have continued to improve and refine our methodology and reporting on our material topics. We have also strengthened the alignment between our material topics and our firm-wide ESG and sustainability commitments, which are organised around four pillars: Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity.

In our report, we outline what we have done to engage with stakeholders, how our evolving understanding is informing our responses and how we are progressing against each commitment.


1. Purpose, values and culture

  • Always act with a clear purpose
  • Drive a responsible tax practice
  • To lead the profession in audit quality

2. Trusted and trustworthy

  • Act lawfully, ethically and in the public interest
  • Respect human rights and work against corruption and modern slavery

3. Information protection, data use, privacy and security

  • Uphold the highest level of data and information protection, privacy and security
Learn more about Governance (PDF 2.3MB)


4. Employee engagement and experience

  • Provide a great people experience, built on our people promise

5. Inclusion, diversity and equity

  • Champion gender equality and create an inclusive and equitable culture for all

6. Employee health and wellbeing

  • Protect the health and wellbeing of our people

7. Continous learning and future-ready talent

  • Foster a continuous and future-fit learning and development culture

8. Talent attraction

  • Simpler, more inclusive recruitment processes to attract world-class talent
Learn more about People (PDF 2.3MB)


9. Climate change and environmental sustainability

  • Decarbonise our operations and supply chain towards net zero
  • Support our clients' and Australia's transition to net zero
  • Strengthen climate resilience with our people, clients and community partners
  • Understand and improve our impact on nature and biodiversity
  • Advance our commitment to circularity
Learn more about Planet (PDF 2.3MB)


10. Impact of our client work

  • Strong economic contribution
  • Exceptional client outcomes, through work that matters

11. Technology and innovation

  • Build a thriving technology business and innovate with our clients, alliance partners and the startup ecosystem

12. Societal impact

  • Create a fairer, more inclusive and more sustainable future for our communities
  • Advocate on the issues that matter
Learn more about Prosperity (PDF 2.3MB)

Contact us

If you would like further information about Our Impact Plan 2023 please contact us.

Martin Sheppard

National Chairman
KPMG Australia

Andrew Yates

Chief Executive Officer
KPMG Australia

Adrian King

Partner in Charge,
Climate Change & Sustainability
KPMG Australia

Rita Fentener van Vlissingen

Impact & Citizenship
KPMG Australia

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