Together for progress: A functioning and well-developed infrastructure is crucial for a country's economic growth and attractiveness. The construction and maintenance of the infrastructure is partly carried out by the public sector, partly by the private sector. Either way, the KPMG Infrastructure Team supports both the private and public sectors in designing, procuring and implementing infrastructure projects in a targeted manner and organizing the company's organization efficiently.

Infrastructure is the foundation of many areas of life

In a broader sense, the term infrastructure covers all superstructures as well as substructures. This includes roads, bridges, rail infrastructure, universities, hospitals, broadband & digital infrastructure, etc.

The planning, construction and maintenance of certain types of infrastructure is partly regarded as the task of the state or associated bodies (public institutions, public enterprises). The construction of a public infrastructure is usually financed by taxpayers' money. The public sector has as much interest in infrastructure as the private sector. In any case, infrastructure projects are always commercial projects

KPMG has an in-depth understanding of infrastructure in all phases of its life cycle.

Distinctive infrastructure expertise

  • Worldwide, there is only a small circle of consulting firms with pronounced infrastructure expertise. We are one of them!
  • We have supported a large number of infrastructure projects in all phases of the project lifecycle. Our experience ranges from feasibility studies, tendering, commercial structuring, modelling and financing to secondary market transactions. We not only cover the toll and transport infrastructure sector, but also the energy and social infrastructure sector.
  • We are longtime partners of the largest public and private infrastructure companies in Austria.

Powerful local and international team

  • We are proud to look back on more than 15 years of infrastructure experience at KPMG Austria. The team of approximately 15 dedicated infrastructure experts is probably the most powerful German-speaking team in Central Europe.
  • Internationally, we have around 3,000 infrastructure experts working for us in 110 countries worldwide. Our teams are well known and respected in the market for the quality of their work.

Excellent market knowledge

  • Our team is in regular contact with market decision makers and our global network of experts.
  • This enables us to draw on a unique pool of knowledge about current developments in the regional and international markets. It also gives us direct and uncomplicated access to specific know-how carriers and market participants.

Extensive range of services for the public and private sectors

  • Conception of project and financing structures that protect budget and debt levels
  • Preparation of economic efficiency comparisons for the analysis of economic justifiability
  • Design of modern procurement concepts and structures
  • Planning and conception of a PPP model or a life cycle model
  • Commercial support in the implementation of major projects
  • Assignment support
  • Development of an optimized offer strategy
  • Financial modelling 
  • Organization of competitive processes for debt capital
  • Evaluation and recommendation of optimal task and risk distributions
  • Support during contract negotiations

Economic growth always means expansion at company and infrastructure level. Without a functioning infrastructure, neither the state nor the economy can operate efficiently. Nevertheless, it is expensive and can only be implemented step by step. Individual solution options and structures must therefore be constantly further developed. The KPMG Infrastructure Team supports the efficient implementation of infrastructure projects.

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