The future in sight: Ensuring state-of-the-art, high-quality medical care under increasing cost pressure presents the healthcare sector with new challenges and opportunities. The constantly increasing demands on infrastructure and technology require a correspondingly professional approach at the commercial level in order to be able to implement current trends in the clinical and non-clinical areas quickly and sustainably.

KPMG Expertise

Expertise and industry knowledge are required to implement high-quality and cost-effective innovations in this sensitive and complex area. KPMG Advisory's extensive and long-standing international experience in supporting projects in the healthcare sector enables us to support you in a variety of ways. The direct involvement of experts from different healthcare sectors enables us to look at your issues from various perspectives and to find solutions.

We offer a wide range of services in the health sector:

  • Strategy development and business development
    • Company, trend and environment analysis in connection with the supply mandate
    • Identification of commercial optimization potentials in the clinical and non-clinical area (including digitization potentials)
    • Commercial conception and support for the reorganization of the service provision (e.g. Best Point-Of-Care)
    • Feasibility studies and profitability analyses (e.g. implementation of medical innovations, shift in performance)
  • Optimization of control structures and processes (with regard to finance, IT, medical infrastructure ...)
    • Conception and implementation support for the transformation of the structural and process organisation
    • Development, implementation and improvement of controlling for target-oriented management
    • Development of instruments for commercial risk monitoring and risk control
    • Analysis and implementation support for the long-term transformation of IT structures (e.g. for the sustainable optimization of work processes in the clinical and non-clinical areas)
  • Identification and implementation of suitable infrastructure procurement models
    • Life cycle analysis for investment decisions (e.g. for hospital extensions, procurement of medical technology)
    • Commercial evaluation of procurement alternatives Conception and implementation support of debt and liquidity conserving procurement models
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Partner, Advisory

KPMG Austria
