Demographic and economic shifts coupled with game-changing advances in digital technologies are changing customer behaviour faster than many large companies can respond. These changes create significant opportunities for the most agile and forward-looking businesses.

More informed and sceptical consumers are holding businesses to increasingly higher standards. A company’s success in achieving customer-centricity and customer loyalty is no longer a differentiator. It has become a matter of survival.

To remain at the forefront, leading companies are transforming their businesses into customer-centric, digitally enabled and connected enterprises capable of responding to customer needs and creating new sources of customer value.

Understanding what motivates customers; the forces behind decision making and customer spending; and the experiences that can make or break customer loyalty and advocacy is the key to achieving growth today and for tomorrow.

Read our research led insights and learn how to get closer to your customers and unlock value to drive profitable growth.

Discover your customer first strategy

As organizations become more customer centric, they must focus on disruption across the enterprise to drive a shared customer lifecycle for profitable growth.

Digital disruption and rising customer expectations are creating unforgiving markets where loyalty is hard won and easily lost. If you can’t deliver what your customers want, when and where they want it, they will go to someone who can. But there is no point in creating a breakthrough customer experience if the new business model runs at a loss. It is all about getting close to your customers and staying there.

KPMG teams offer a suite of services that can help you achieve profitable, sustainable growth through customer-centric thinking. Find out more

"By analysing the economics surrounding customer expectations, and focusing on the behaviours that define leading customer experience brands, organisations can deliver better experiences that improve the bottom line."

Julio Hernandez Global Customer Centre of Excellence Lead, KPMG International US Customer Advisory Practice Lead, KPMG in the US