Having a reputation for integrity is crucial to safeguarding market confidence and public trust. Unfortunately, fraud and misconduct can seriously undermine such efforts, exposing an organization to legal, regulatory, or reputational damage. That is why experienced business leaders strive to ensure that they have effective approaches to mitigating these risks. This is especially important in an environment marked by intense scrutiny and rising enforcement. Our fraud risk management services are aimed at helping clients prevent, detect, and respond to fraud and misconduct risks. We work with our clients to design, implement, and evaluate ethics and compliance programs and related antifraud programs and controls. These unique projects balance risk and control to achieve performance with integrity. We are accustomed to working with clients in a variety of situations, including:

  • Your company experiences a problem and you want to take steps to reduce the likelihood of recurrence
  • Your industry is under scrutiny and you need to assess whether your programs and controls can meet stakeholder expectations
  • Your board needs to demonstrate performance of its fiduciary duty – by evaluating whether your compliance program is operating effectively
  • Your internal audit or compliance functions would benefit from heightened levels of objectivity or specialization in assessing your program
  • Your employees and third-party agents are operating in environments with added pressures and opportunities to commit fraud or other illegal acts
  • Your budget owners need to identify and cut unnecessary costs associated with occupational theft, waste, and abuse
  • Your management team needs to identify fraud and misconduct risks when performing due diligence on acquisition targets or business partners
  • Your company needs to adopt more formalized governance mechanisms and antifraud controls as part of an initial public offering
  • Your business provides goods or services to the government and is subject to enhanced antifraud and disclosure requirements

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