Understanding that our corporate vision is incomplete without a commitment towards the society we live in, we strive to make significant positive contributions towards the communities we operate in. As a result of this, KPMG LG’s CSR strategy was refreshed in early 2019 following an internal employee survey and external client consultations, aligning our CSR focus with four SDGs.

Our CSR strategy is built on four pillars


Fundraising activities


Renu Israney, Barry O’Donnell, Shaheera Muhammad, Reham Salman (Finance KBS)

  • 4 fundraising events targeting over 500 employees to raise funds to give back to charitable causes
  • Fun events like bake sales, quiz nights, charity runs, etc are being planned

Uplifting blue collar workers


Narayan Sawant, Ankita Agarwal, Vrinda Bali (Accounting & Finance)

  • Uplifting blue-collar workers within the UAE by providing them with access to information, skill-building opportunities, peer support, and mentoring
  • Partner with SmartLife to conduct sessions: SmartWoman, SmartFitness, Smart Computers

Plant a mangrove


Zahra Hashi, Hasan Kanchwala (GRCS- ESG)

  • KPMG LG pledges to plant 1 tree for every current and future employee at KPMG LG
  • Align with KPMG’s global commitment to being Net-Zero by 2030
  • Partner with Storey Group
  • Each tree planted will be “owned” by the employee  

Creating awareness about Environmental Crime


Nick Cameron, Sachith Amarasekara, Sinduja Sundar, Zarmina Ali, Ross Barlow, Anton Shkarbatyuk, Dina Mashaal (Forensic)

  • Will be a part of the UAE Environmental Crime working group collaborating with industry leaders to understand and address pertinent issues like illicit wildlife trade and illicit gold trade.  

Alignment to national and global frameworks and mandates

There is an increasing push for organisations to consider their sustainability risks and opportunities. As a result, sustainability mandates and agendas have been introduced both globally and regionally to encourage corporations to conduct their businesses responsibly and align their activities to these initiatives. At KPMG LG, we strive to deliver meaningful contributions to the national and international sustainability priorities, including the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030, Oman Vision 2040, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Principles and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We direct our efforts toward ensuring the sustainable development of a robust economy and a motivated society.

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